03.12. court festival

Farm festival and day of open doors and cellar

When? Saturday, 03.12. from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., followed by a party in the a.k.a
Where? Hof and aka @Werner-Hilpert-Strasse 22

We look forward to everyone who is interested in the development of the WH22 and in particular to all people or organizations who are looking for space themselves or who would like to contribute their ideas to the development of the area.

We cordially invite you to our farm festival and get to know each other!

For many years, spaces for art, (sub)culture and for social and community engagement have been in short supply in Kassel. Spaces to come together, discuss, share resources, work together, learn from each other, spend time and of course celebrate. We want to change this! Together we want to maintain and further develop the WH22 as a jointly supported place for culture, education and social commitment!

For a few months we have been meeting as the WH22 usage initiative and are working on usage concepts for the WH22 so that this unique place will continue to be preserved for Kassel. Together with you, we want to exchange information about the current status of our project at our courtyard festival, walk the WH22 site and develop common visions for the future.

We open for that on 03.12. from 12 p.m the gates of the WH22. A diverse daily program is waiting for you: A Küfa (kitchen for everyone) will be warm Food, mulled wine and other hot drinks magic for everyone. Together we want to discuss the potential of the WH22 guides with information about the area. Besides, there will be one Future workshop, children's program and much more throughout the day.

In connection load this @akakassel and the collective @k.espora_kassel from 6 p.m. for paella and from 8 p.m. to the party a. The program is there @akakassel. Together we want to celebrate our previous experiences and successes in the aka and the WH22 initiative!

Bring your friends and families, let's collectively make WH22 a place of lumbung - of coming together, exchange and culture even after documenta fifteen. We look forward to your coming!

For a WH22 of many for many!

More info on Instagram: @wh22by many for many


I am interested in becoming part of the cooperative!

In the course of 2023 we would like to found a cooperative that unites both users and supporters.