Press Announcement – Make a City Together!

Make the city together!
Cultural workers want to keep WH22 in Kassel

This spring, the cultural alliance "WH22 by many for many" wants to open up a space for culture and social commitment in Kassel. The aim of the WH22 initiative is to fill the historical area of the former ARM in Werner-Hilpert-Straße 22 with life again. After a brief use as part of the documenta
fiffteen, the area near the main train station is now largely empty again.

The Salzmann factory has been falling into disrepair since 2012, followed in 2014 by the demolition of the studios and clubs at Kulturbahnhof (Charging Street North) and in 2016 the end of the small cultural center HAUS on Mombach Street. Nothing remains of the ruruHaus and the infrastructure created during the documenta fiffteen. Leena Kötter from the Kulturbündnis says: “Especially for small cultural initiatives, affordable rooms are in short supply. But we need these spaces and the ones that come with them
Networks for our cultural work. So now we're creating it ourselves." On the WH22 site, secure locations are to be created and managed independently in the long term.

The usage initiative for the WH22 was created in spring 2022. Since then, a broad alliance of more than 70 cultural initiatives and individuals has developed, which has developed a financing concept and, in exchange with architects, legal advisers, the cultural office and the owner of the site, the Mietstück GmbH,
stands. In the spring of 2023, the premises are to be used for the first time with the aim of securing the building as a place for the independent cultural scene in the long term. As a first step, the initiative would like to rent other buildings on the site and would also like support from the city of Kassel. In order to ensure the long-term cultural and social use of the area, there are already plans to acquire the area in the long term through joint purchase.

A self-governing and open cultural space was already created during the documenta fiffteen in cooperation with artists. In the future, these principles of use are to be extended to the entire area: joint disposal of space and resources, collective financing and places for diverse cultural offerings such as exhibitions, concerts, studio spaces and open formats for the whole city. "We came to stay. What we have already achieved, we want to continue together with many and create independence," says Veit Wolfer - actor in the cultural alliance WH22 by many for many.

The alliance is currently working intensively on a usage concept and is developing ideas on how the WH22 can look like and be used in the future. "We are happy about everyone who wants to support us or bring their ideas to the area," says Domenik Töfflinger, a student at the Kunsthochschule Kassel and deals with the use and possibilities of the area.

The place lends itself well to text and photo reporting. Interlocutors and picture opportunities can be arranged for you.

For queries:


I am interested in becoming part of the cooperative!

In the course of 2023 we would like to found a cooperative that unites both users and supporters.